[Ansteorra-archery] Some Gulf War XIII Combat Archery Stats

Richard Threlkeld rjt at softwareinnovation.com
Fri Jul 30 09:45:41 PDT 2004

I don't believe they notate the authorizations on the inspections except for unpadded glave and fiberglass spear. So a combat archer would be counted with all the other heavy fighters.
Caelin on Andrede


From: ansteorra-archery-bounces+rjt=acm.org at ansteorra.org on behalf of jim hodek
Sent: Fri 7/30/2004 10:34 AM
To: jspinks at ix.netcom.com; Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Some Gulf War XIII Combat Archery Stats

Wouldn't the Armor Inspection records show the number of archers that had there armor inspected and had their authorization cards checked?

jspinks at ix.netcom.com wrote: 

	Having not been to Gulf War yet (maybe next year) and not knowing the procedure I would like to inquire of one thing- I understand the logic of getting equipment inspected in bulk but are there no direct records of authorized combat archers and marshals that could use the equipment? If safety is the main concern then it would seem we should know who is using the equipment.
	-----Original Message-----
	From: Eadric Anstapa 
	Sent: Jul 27, 2004 4:48 PM
	To: ansteorra-missile at ansteorra.org
	Cc: ansteorra-archery at ansteorra.org
	Subject: [Ansteorra-archery] Some Gulf War XIII Combat Archery Stats
	The Ansteorran Archery Marshallate has kept logbooks at our
	inspection points at Gulf War for the past two years. This past
	year the Meridians joined us so now we have data that may or may not
	have some meaningful information depending! on how you want to look
	at it. For me at least it is interesting and may be useful to our
	command and marshallate.
	There appear to have been about 140 archers at war. We say "about"
	because sometime a unit will send one person down to get all their
	gear inspected so it is difficult to get an exact count on the
	number of archers. Some archers would come and get 5 or more sets
	of equipment inspected. 
	There where 114 unique medalion numbers that came through the
	inspection point so we are pretty sure there where at least that
	many archers.
	There where 174 distinct bows or crossbows inspected so there
	theoretically could have been as many as as 174 archers on the field
	at one time.
	If ya go by where the bows or crossbows came from: 
	31% of the archers where from Meridies
	30% of the archers where from Ansteorra
	28% of the archers were from Trimaris
	5% from the Middle
	3% from Calontir
	1 archer each from! kingoms of Atlantia, West, and Aethelmarc.
	Ansteorra and Allies were outnumbered 3/2 with roughly 60% of the
	archers with Trimaris and her allies and 40% to Ansteorra and our
	There were 103 crossbows inspected at war. 
	There were 3 heavy crossbows over 600 IP. All three heavy crossbows
	were from our Midrealm allies. 
	Average in/lbs for crossbows was 466. Low was 228. High was 782
	(heavy crossbow, there was an 800 limit). 
	It looks like the average crossbow by GW Kingdom was:
	Meridies 425 Inch Pounds
	Ansteorra 481 Inch Pounds
	Trimaris 491 Inch Pounds 
	There were 71 bows inspected at war. There were 11 heavy bows over
	30#. One heavy bow was from Aethelmarc, the other 10 frm the Middle
	and Calontir. Average bow poundage was 30#. Low was 16#; high was
	48# (heavy bow). 
	There 4237 total bolts, and 2417 total arrows. 
	Of those 240 arrows/bolts where of the large tube designs for heavy
	bows and crossbows. 
	There were 321 wooden shafted bolts, none were from Ansteorra. 80
	from Atlantia, 107 from Meridies, 174 from Trimaris. 
	There were 104 wooden arrows of which only 6 where from Ansteorra,
	80 where from Trimaris, 18 from Meridies. 
	For APDs 41% were Asgard APDs, 31% were Siloflex APDs, 23% were Golf
	Tube APDs, and 5% where some other minor types.
	Arcus Eadric Anstapa
	Kingdom Archery Marshal, Ansteorra
	eadric at scabrewer.com
	Ansteorra-archery mailing list
	Ansteorra-archery at ansteorra.org
	Ansteorra-archery mailing list
	Ansteorra-archery at ansteorra.org


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