[Ansteorra-archery] Ansteorra-archery Digest, Vol 27, Issue 12

Glenn Long debbnglenn at centurytel.net
Sun Aug 10 12:17:34 PDT 2008

Let me see if I get this right.
Ansteorra requires at least 1", but the new Society rules call for No
more than 1". So does that mean that if we are 1/8th" off in either
direction we fail either the Ansteorra rules or the Society rules? That
does not leave much room for error. No room at all in fact. I cannot
imagine that this is going to work very well. Every arrow that passes
here would likely fail at the War for being slightly over 1".
As far as the side foam tape. Are they saying that the additional foam
should wrap around the arrowhead?

Reinhardt Stahlhelm

-----Original Message-----
From: ansteorra-archery-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org
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Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 12:38 PM
To: ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: Ansteorra-archery Digest, Vol 27, Issue 12

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Today's Topics:

   1. Combat Archery - New Society Marshallate Ruling (Eadric Anstapa)
   2. Re: Combat Archery - New Society Marshallate Ruling
      (Harry Bilings)
   3. Re: Combat Archery - New Society Marshallate Ruling
      (Donnchadh Beag mac Griogair)
   4. Re: Combat Archery - New Society Marshallate Ruling
      (Eadric Anstapa)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2008 10:58:27 -0500
From: Eadric Anstapa <eadric at scabrewer.com>
Subject: [Ansteorra-archery] Combat Archery - New Society Marshallate
To: Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra
	<ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org>
Message-ID: <489F1023.5030508 at scabrewer.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"

As a Combat Archer unless you are using only Baldar Blunt's this 
probably effects YOU.  I don't know of any Ansteorran archers that are 
already doing this.  In essence it means ALL of our UHMW cored blunts 
have to be reworked.

Note this is   /*Effective Immediately*/.  Your ammo will not pass 
inspection until it meets these new requirements.

Yes, the cost in materials and more importantly time for a group like 
mine that has thousands of pieces of ammo is staggering.



The Ruling:


Effective immediately by the Society Earl Marshal & the Deputy Society 
Earl Marshal for Combat Archery, the following changes to equipment are 
required due to repeated incidents of helm penetrations:

* Combat Archery ammunition may have at most 1" thick padding on the tip

after taping.

* All UHMW & Siloflex/Rubber Stopper ammunition must have a side wrap of

foam added that brings the total diameter of the blunt to at least 1.5" 
after taping.  This wrap must extend from the tip to at least 1/2" over 
the UHMW or Siloflex itself.

* All fletches on any arrows, bolts, or thrown weapons can project no 
further than 1/2" from the shaft, or must be 1.5" thick.

* NOTE:  All Marshals need to be rigorous in their inspections of all 
tips (arrows & thrusting) and mass weapons.  Ensure that the foam is 
firm, will not bend over, returns to shape when compressed, and can not 
be easily pushed into a legal helm more than 1/2".


The Explanation:

  For those that do not know, there were a couple of incidents of the 
foam/tape of UHMW combat arrows touching the face/eyes of people at Gulf

Wars this year.  There were more incidents at a West/AnTir war, and at 
another event recently.  Much discussion has therefore been going on at 
Society Level about this potential issue ever since Gulf Wars.

  At Pennsic in the Town Battle on Wednesday, there were 4 incidents of 
foam/tape penetrating helms that were reported.  Yes, 4 in one battle.  
Two of them resulted in minor injury.  One was a busted blood vessel in 
an eye, the other resulted in a bruise (black eye).  All of these 
penetrations happened to be UHMW/RubberStopper style ammo.  In one case,

the rubber stopper itself had penetrated a bit.

  In all of these cases, the UHMW or Siloflex respectively did it's job 
and didn't let any hard parts of the arrow enter the helm.  But 
obviously the force involved with just the foam/tape, from max poundage 
bows at close range, is significant enough to be concerned about.

  At Pennsic, when this happened, CA was canceled for the next battle 
(Mountain Pass) that was scheduled for that day.  Especially because 
that battle had been scheduled to be face plate only so it didn't seem 
to be a good idea at the moment.

  The MiC Pennsic made a ruling that for Siloflex/Rubber ammo to be 
allowed for the rest of pennsic that they would need to add a side 
wrap.  The Local Wal-Mart was bought out of Camp Mats, and much taping 
happened that night so that archers could shoot the next day.

  Later in the war, meetings were held since many Kingdom Earl Marshals 
were in attendance, as well as myself and the Society Earl Marshal.  
These issues were discussed, as well as the fact that Low Profile 
Thrusting tips & Mass Weapons depending on their construction can be 
forced into a helm.  Also it was brought up that there was an incident 
of a polearm entering a helm in the Woods Battle and contacting 
someone's cheek.

  After much discussion, the rulings above were developed.  Basically, 
we already have a rule that weapons should not be able to enter a helm 
more than 1/2", and that people need to be constructing their weapons 
such that this doesn't happen, and the marshals ensuring that weapons 
are done this way.

  Additionally the other rules were added to ammunition.  This is 
because ammo travels with such velocity that we need to be extra 
vigilant to ensure that we do not cause any injury.   The rules as 
designed were done specifically so that they are easy RETROFITS.

  Noone should need to remake any ammunition from scratch.  Instead just

add a side wrap of foam overtop of existing ammo, and tape it down 
good.   To meet the letter of the law, a 1/8" wrap of foam will not be 
sufficient, since after taping down, it will compress and be less than 
1.5" in diameter.   Therefore two layers of 1/8" foam, or a layer of 
1/4" foam would need to be added and taped down well.

  Note that this side wrap IS required, you cannot just use bigger 
diameter UHMW or Siloflex.  The reason is that by adding the sidewrap, 
you are making the foam on the tip much stiffer, protecting the edges of

the UHMW, etc.

  If archers have more than 1" of foam on the tip, it needs to be taped 
down tighter, or a little bit cut off.

  Also in general archers need to think about their arrow tips as 
thrusting tips and building them 'solid' like you would a sword tip.  
Using high quality dense foam, and/or using oversized foam and 
compressing it as you tape it down so that it ends up a very firm tip 
that doesn't compress much, especially circumferentially.

In Service,
Siegfried - Society Combat Archery Marshal

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Message: 2
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2008 12:25:20 -0500
From: Harry Bilings <humble_archer at hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Combat Archery - New Society
	Marshallate Ruling
To: Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra
	<ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org>
Message-ID: <BAY115-W78AC945E6EF21EF5866C984760 at phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Looks like it is a good thing that I have not modfied mine yet. They
would not have passed the new rules. I had only planed on adding 1/8" to
the sides.
I know where to get 1/8 " foam but where do you get 1/4" at? I think it
may be easer to use two wqrapes of 1/8" to do the job and may do a
better job of supporting the side of the foam head.

As a Combat Archer unless you are using only Baldar Blunt's this
probably effects YOU.  I don't know of any Ansteorran archers that are
already doing this.  In essence it means ALL of our UHMW cored blunts
have to be reworked.Note this is   Effective Immediately.  Your ammo
will not pass inspection until it meets these new requirements.Yes, the
cost in materials and more importantly time for a group like mine that
has thousands of pieces of ammo is
Ruling:------------------------Effective immediately by the Society Earl
Marshal & the Deputy Society Earl Marshal for Combat Archery, the
following changes to equipment are required due to repeated incidents of
helm penetrations:* Combat Archery ammunition may have at most 1" thick
padding on the tip after taping.* All UHMW & Siloflex/Rubber Stopper
ammunition must have a side wrap of foam added that brings the total
diameter of the blunt to at least 1.5" after 
 taping.  This wrap must extend from the tip to at least 1/2" over the
UHMW or Siloflex itself.* All fletches on any arrows, bolts, or thrown
weapons can project no further than 1/2" from the shaft, or must be 1.5"
thick.* NOTE:  All Marshals need to be rigorous in their inspections of
all tips (arrows & thrusting) and mass weapons.  Ensure that the foam is
firm, will not bend over, returns to shape when compressed, and can not
be easily pushed into a legal helm more than 1/2".
Reveal your inner athlete and share it with friends on Windows Live.
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Message: 3
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2008 12:32:49 -0500
From: Donnchadh Beag mac Griogair <donnchadh at cornelius.norman.ok.us>
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Combat Archery - New Society
	Marshallate Ruling
To: Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra
	<ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org>,
marshal at ansteorra.org,
	archery_marshal at ansteorra.org
Message-ID: <489F2641.109 at cornelius.norman.ok.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

I see at least one potential problem:

According to the new rules (emphasis mine):
* Combat Archery ammunition may have at _/*most*/_ 1" thick padding on 
the tip after taping.

According to Ansteorra's rules:
Ansteorra restriction: Shafted ammo shall use UHMW with 1? of resilient 

Society standards call for a minimum of 1/2" padding which gives 1/2" of

variance. GulfWars conventions call for a minimum of 3/4" padding which 
give 1/4" of variance. Current Ansteorran rules allow for NO variance. 
All blunts would have to be EXACTLY 1".

I think we should either petition Society to increase the maximum 
padding to 1 1/4" or to change our minimum padding to 3/4".

In Service,
Baron Donnchadh

Eadric Anstapa wrote:
> As a Combat Archer unless you are using only Baldar Blunt's this 
> probably effects YOU. I don't know of any Ansteorran archers that are 
> already doing this. In essence it means ALL of our UHMW cored blunts 
> have to be reworked.
> Note this is /*Effective Immediately*/. Your ammo will not pass 
> inspection until it meets these new requirements.
> Yes, the cost in materials and more importantly time for a group like 
> mine that has thousands of pieces of ammo is staggering.
> Regards,
> -EA
> ============================================
> The Ruling:
> ------------------------
> Effective immediately by the Society Earl Marshal & the Deputy Society

> Earl Marshal for Combat Archery, the following changes to equipment 
> are required due to repeated incidents of helm penetrations:
> * Combat Archery ammunition may have at most 1" thick padding on the 
> tip after taping.
> * All UHMW & Siloflex/Rubber Stopper ammunition must have a side wrap 
> of foam added that brings the total diameter of the blunt to at least 
> 1.5" after taping. This wrap must extend from the tip to at least 1/2"

> over the UHMW or Siloflex itself.
> * All fletches on any arrows, bolts, or thrown weapons can project no 
> further than 1/2" from the shaft, or must be 1.5" thick.
> * NOTE: All Marshals need to be rigorous in their inspections of all 
> tips (arrows & thrusting) and mass weapons. Ensure that the foam is 
> firm, will not bend over, returns to shape when compressed, and can 
> not be easily pushed into a legal helm more than 1/2".
> ---------------------------
> The Explanation:
> For those that do not know, there were a couple of incidents of the 
> foam/tape of UHMW combat arrows touching the face/eyes of people at 
> Gulf Wars this year. There were more incidents at a West/AnTir war, 
> and at another event recently. Much discussion has therefore been 
> going on at Society Level about this potential issue ever since Gulf
> At Pennsic in the Town Battle on Wednesday, there were 4 incidents of 
> foam/tape penetrating helms that were reported. Yes, 4 in one battle. 
> Two of them resulted in minor injury. One was a busted blood vessel in

> an eye, the other resulted in a bruise (black eye). All of these 
> penetrations happened to be UHMW/RubberStopper style ammo. In one 
> case, the rubber stopper itself had penetrated a bit.
> In all of these cases, the UHMW or Siloflex respectively did it's job 
> and didn't let any hard parts of the arrow enter the helm. But 
> obviously the force involved with just the foam/tape, from max 
> poundage bows at close range, is significant enough to be concerned
> At Pennsic, when this happened, CA was canceled for the next battle 
> (Mountain Pass) that was scheduled for that day. Especially because 
> that battle had been scheduled to be face plate only so it didn't seem

> to be a good idea at the moment.
> The MiC Pennsic made a ruling that for Siloflex/Rubber ammo to be 
> allowed for the rest of pennsic that they would need to add a side 
> wrap. The Local Wal-Mart was bought out of Camp Mats, and much taping 
> happened that night so that archers could shoot the next day.
> Later in the war, meetings were held since many Kingdom Earl Marshals 
> were in attendance, as well as myself and the Society Earl Marshal. 
> These issues were discussed, as well as the fact that Low Profile 
> Thrusting tips & Mass Weapons depending on their construction can be 
> forced into a helm. Also it was brought up that there was an incident 
> of a polearm entering a helm in the Woods Battle and contacting 
> someone's cheek.
> After much discussion, the rulings above were developed. Basically, we

> already have a rule that weapons should not be able to enter a helm 
> more than 1/2", and that people need to be constructing their weapons 
> such that this doesn't happen, and the marshals ensuring that weapons 
> are done this way.
> Additionally the other rules were added to ammunition. This is because

> ammo travels with such velocity that we need to be extra vigilant to 
> ensure that we do not cause any injury. The rules as designed were 
> done specifically so that they are easy RETROFITS.
> Noone should need to remake any ammunition from scratch. Instead just 
> add a side wrap of foam overtop of existing ammo, and tape it down 
> good. To meet the letter of the law, a 1/8" wrap of foam will not be 
> sufficient, since after taping down, it will compress and be less than

> 1.5" in diameter. Therefore two layers of 1/8" foam, or a layer of 
> 1/4" foam would need to be added and taped down well.
> Note that this side wrap IS required, you cannot just use bigger 
> diameter UHMW or Siloflex. The reason is that by adding the sidewrap, 
> you are making the foam on the tip much stiffer, protecting the edges 
> of the UHMW, etc.
> If archers have more than 1" of foam on the tip, it needs to be taped 
> down tighter, or a little bit cut off.
> Also in general archers need to think about their arrow tips as 
> thrusting tips and building them 'solid' like you would a sword tip. 
> Using high quality dense foam, and/or using oversized foam and 
> compressing it as you tape it down so that it ends up a very firm tip 
> that doesn't compress much, especially circumferentially.
> In Service,
> Siegfried - Society Combat Archery Marshal
> _______________________________________________
> Ansteorra-archery mailing list
> Ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2008 12:38:04 -0500
From: Eadric Anstapa <eadric at scabrewer.com>
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Combat Archery - New Society
	Marshallate Ruling
To: Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra
	<ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org>
Message-ID: <489F277C.2010903 at scabrewer.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

Donnchadh Beag mac Griogair wrote:
> I think we should either petition Society to increase the maximum 
> padding to 1 1/4" 

No going to happen.  Too many worries that will  allow too much foam to 
enter the helm.

> or to change our minimum padding to 3/4".
I believe this is something we should look into.  The Rapier folks will 
need to decide if they think 3/4" is sufficient for CA.



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Ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org

End of Ansteorra-archery Digest, Vol 27, Issue 12

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