[Ansteorra-archery] Foam for side wraps

Eadric Anstapa eadric at scabrewer.com
Tue Aug 19 16:03:24 PDT 2008

Danny Miller wrote:
> AFAIK EVA has no meaning in the foam world except for crosslinked PE, 
> so all EVA is crosslinked PE.
> Oznog
Uhhh, no.  In fact not all EVA foam is necessarily crosslinked nor is it PE.

The polymer reference materials that I frequently use list the common 
materials for closed cell foams separately 
PE, EVA,PS, PVC, PP, PPO, PU, etc.

PE is foam made from Polyethylene.  EVA is an Ethylene-vinyl acetate 
copolymer.  Different thermoplastics but both used separately to make 
foams and together in blends).

For a quick reference:


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