[Ansteorra-archery] Combat Archery Ruling

jim hodek j_hodek at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 20 09:18:15 PDT 2008

One last, and my only question. The second requirement is that the side wrap foam padding must extend from the tip to a minimum of 1/2 inch over the UHMW itself. is this from the leading edge of the UHMW or the shaft edge? 

--- On Tue, 8/19/08, Paul Thorne <paul.v.thorne at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Paul Thorne <paul.v.thorne at gmail.com>
Subject: [Ansteorra-archery] Combat Archery Ruling
To: "Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra" <ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org>, "Archery Marshals in the Kingdom of Ansteorra" <am at lists.ansteorra.org>, mm at lists.ansteorra.org, "Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>
Date: Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 4:36 PM


   As of this afternoon we have decided the path that Ansteorra will take with the new Society Rules concerning ammunition construction.  Effective immediately all UHMW cored blunts will require a minimum of 1/2" padding and a maximum of 1" of padding.  Once again here is the announcement from the Society Combat Archery Marshal;

Effective immediately by the Society Earl Marshal & the Deputy Society Earl Marshal for Combat Archery, the following changes to equipment are required due to repeated incidents of helm penetrations: 

Combat Archery ammunition may have at most 1" thick padding on the tip after taping.

All UHMW & Siloflex/Rubber Stopper ammunition must have a side wrap of foam added that brings the total diameter of the blunt to at least 1.5" after taping. This wrap must extend from the tip to at least 1/2" over the UHMW or Siloflex itself.

All fletches on any arrows, bolts, or thrown weapons can project no further than 1/2" from the shaft, or must be 1.5" thick.

NOTE: All Marshals need to be rigorous in their inspections of all tips (arrows & thrusting) and mass weapons. Ensure that the foam is firm, will not bend over, returns to shape when compressed, and can not be easily pushed into a legal helm more than 1/2".
Siegfried Sebastian Faust
Society Combat Archery Marshal

  A big concern is that Gulf War requirements currently for CA is 3/4" of padding.  If you plan on attending Gulf War, or even sending some arrows/bolts to Gulf Wars I would make sure that your ammunition passes that standard.  They will be legal here and will be legal there.  If Gulf War standards change I will send out a notification to the appropriate lists.  Thank you all for your patience in letting us see this through.

In Service,

HL Jean-Paul de Calmont, CAO
Kingdom Missile Marshal, Ansteorra

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