[Ansteorra-archery] Survival of Combat Archery

Mike meggiddo at netzero.net
Wed Feb 11 19:19:28 PST 2009


To make this work, then you or someone will be yelling out commands - 
which everyone will be able to heard and understand, on both sides!

This has always been one of the major flaws in archers gathering in a 
mass - so commands are yelled out and lo and behold - there is "No 

Been there and done that - and burned the both the T-Shirt and the 
photos! Not worth the effort!

Michael Kettering

Eric Brown wrote:
> Caladin Here, That reminds me... 2 things... I wanted to talk to Y'all 
> about.
> 1. From what I've gathered by listening, one of His Majesties goals 
> seems to be to minimize the "Drama and whining" at the war, and so the 
> 15 piece of armor rule
> may have been in the nature of an understandably arbitrary attempt to 
> quiet those who complained and argued for no archery in the ravine 
> battle, while still letting our archers get out
> on the field of the ravine battle and kick butt. An unpleasant 
> compromise if you will, who's goal was not realism, or even fairness, 
> but to lessen the drama.
> Plus you've I hope you'll agree, all those spear lines with no shields 
> in front that keep happening in the ravine battle are kind of like 
> Christmas morning to good archers  :).
> I know I spent a lot of the battle last year wishing I'd brought my 
> crossbow :)
> 2. As General, I've been asked by several archers to think about 
> interesting and different uses for archery, than the standard 30 foot 
> spear/ solo sniper tactics that we've used for so long.
> I've been cogitating about asking the archers to mass up to try 
> something interesting in one specific battle of one of the 
> scenarios... It's not massed indirect fire,
> more like a big mass of skirmishers with rifles in naploeonic warfare, 
> at least that's how I think it'd work in the idea that I have rattling 
> about in my gourd.
> I know several of you have mentioned how much you'd like to try massed 
> fire... and while this is not that, it's a step in that direction...So 
> my real question is,
> Would you be interested in the possibility of being pulled together in 
> one place for massed sniper work, once, in one specific battle, if the 
> idea gets approved and agreed to by all involved, etc etc?
> I don't want to go into too much detail, but I'd want to gather most 
> or all the archers in a specific place at a specific time early in the 
> battle, and if the enemy does what I hope (a notoriously risky gamble, 
> I admit) there would be a very brief window of utter devastation. Then 
> you'd' all be free to run off and rejoin your units, move, or whatever 
> you wanted to do... The downside of the Gamble being that if they 
> don't do what I hope, you'll have wasted 5-10 min of your time ( and 
> not being available for doing any counter archer fire), and then have 
> to move to a new location or re-join yout units with nothing to show 
> for it. You would not be being left out exposed to be destroyed, in 
> case you were worried about that..
> This idea is not fully formed, nor has it been discussed with anyone 
> except y'all, but I wanted to see if you thought it might be fun to 
> take the gamble before I bothered talking to anyone else about it.
> If Y'all saw it as the moral equivalent of taking all the knights and 
> making a super unit, theirby depriving all the units of their best 
> assets, then I'd drop the idea entirely.
> What do Y'all think? Does that sound like fun?
> Caladin-
> Generalisimo.
> Mike Wyvill wrote:
>> Sir Guy, Honorable Lords and gentles all,
>> I absolutely understand that our knights by and large support CA. And 
>> all Ansteorran archers should as well. Sir Lyonel has posted to the 
>> SCA Missile Combat list supporting us, I know personally of Duke 
>> Aaron and Duke Ulsted and their support. Sir Alexis has crossbowmen 
>> in his Blue Company so of course not all knights in or out of this 
>> Kingdom oppose archery. And I did not post to the list to stir up 
>> trouble. I just think we need to get an idea of our numbers so that 
>> we can come up with effective tactics for the ravine.
>> The Midrealm has declared for Trimaris. I believe that Calontir will 
>> as well. So that means two units carrying scutums that will need 
>> breaking. I believe that we, the archers, are best suited for that. 
>> Baron Michel is our commander this year and I would like to give him 
>> the tools to state what the archers can do for Ansteorra in the 
>> ravine when asked.
>> EdV
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