[Ansteorra-archery] Royal Huntsman Tourney

William Black Dragon ironwyrm at sbcglobal.net
Tue Nov 17 19:19:35 PST 2009

Well obviously you didn't bring enough missiles!  Been there, done 
that one, more times then I want to remember.  But GW's ravine 
battle is kinda a special case, there's not too many battles where 
600+ missiles aren't enough to carry a combat archer through the 
melee, thank god!
Ya know in hindsight I do kinda miss those melees, sorta.
PS: I'd take three dozen Vincenti, just to be sure!

--- On Tue, 11/17/09, John <iaenmor at swbell.net> wrote:

From: John <iaenmor at swbell.net>
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Royal Huntsman Tourney
To: "Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra" <ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org>
Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 8:33 PM

Well the Ravine battle at Gulf Wars would be an exception to that.

Vincenti, figure12 at the minimum with 24 covering what you will most likely need on the high end.  Just remember to change your point of aim when wearing a helm or fencing mask.  


William Black Dragon wrote: 

Hmmm, well it's a real testament to what type of combat archer 
you are when ya run out of missiles!

--- On Tue, 11/17/09, Eadric Anstapa <eadric at scabrewer.com> wrote:

From: Eadric Anstapa <eadric at scabrewer.com>
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Royal Huntsman Tourney
To: "Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra" <ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org>
Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 11:02 AM

Traditionally, but not always, the Royal Huntsman Tournament does include some IKCAC style archery that will require you to have a legal combat bow, legal combat ammo, legal combat head protection, and legal combat hand protection.  So always come prepared.

It could very well be a Sudden Death type of scenario where ya need as many pieces of ammo as it takes for you to eliminate your opponent.

My gut tells me  that if we placed an upper limit on the number of arrows an archer could have in his quiver that I would set it at 24.  That is because I read so many period texts that say that an archer was expected to carry with him 2 sheafs of arrows.



Chuck Kaun wrote: 

Normally 6 bolts/arrows in an end, double it just to make sure.
Karl Thorgeirsson
> Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 06:25:50 -0600
> From: doug.copley at gmail.com
> To: ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org
> Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Royal Huntsman Tourney
> What??? We have to be able to think now also!!! Boy am I in trouble:-)
> I am working on getting prepared as we speak.
> IF there is a CA component to the Royal Huntsman Tourney, how many bolts 
> / arrows should we have on hand?
> Vincenti
> Mike Gideon wrote:
> > Better to be prepared and not need it wouldn't you think?

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