[Ansteorra-archery] Marshal Sash Idea

Patrick R tex_yankee2004 at yahoo.com
Wed May 29 13:42:08 PDT 2013

I must admit I have waffled on this topic with every post I
read. At first I thought it was a great idea to let the marshals stand out,
later I thought it did not make that much of a difference because anytime
someone new comes up and gets a safety briefing the marshals are pointed out to
them. After reading the latest post I am now in favor of something for the
marshals to wear on the range at events. I know this is SCA sacrilege but to be
honest standing out to the nobles and royalty is the least of my concerns but
to the spectators and anyone who may come up for information it could be
helpful they know who to go to. Getting exposure is never a bad thing and from
a purely pragmatic standpoint it is a good idea. With more and more people
becoming interested in archery we need to be noticed if for no other reason to
support a larger budget. The more archers the more targets and loaner equipment
we will go through ( I can only shorten and re-fletch arrows so many times).
Especially now as we get more people at events and have help from marshals
outside your area it is important that people know who they are.
I am not really sure what the best device is to use as each
has merit. A simple sash is good so long as it is simple and easy to spot. I
would prefer something like a rope hanging from a belt but as it has been
pointed out some people will not be wearing a belt (I sometimes take mine off
and leave it on my chair) so it may not work and a small patch could be
difficult to see. I still like the arrow through the head idea if it can be
modified to something like an arrow (feathers up) from a hat but to be honest
not sure how to make that work. I believe it is something worth testing and see
how it goes. This is where I put my first plug for the fall baronial at Bryn
Gwlad in, we are going to have archery and I am expecting it to be great and
include time for royal rounds.


 From: Doug Copley <doug.copley at gmail.com>
To: Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra <ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Marshal Sash Idea
So now both of your are right:-)

I do not see that there is really an issue to deal with regarding the archers, But the ability to make us more visible to the spectators, nobles, and royalty is something to consider. Archery participation and support is so much different now than it was even 6 or 7 years ago it is amazing. So any opportunity we get to make us stand out more or to make us more in line with the other marshalette activities has to be given serious consideration. 

In the last 13 years there have been a total of 29 Arc d'Ors made, 9 of those have been in the last 3 years! There have also been a number of King's Archers given and Talons so our efforts are being noticed. 

So for those reasons I think it is a good idea to test it and see what happens.


On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Ld. Cian Rhys Gravenor <metaldog00 at hotmail.com> wrote:
I admit. You do have a point. There is nothing wrong with the way we are doing it now. If someone new comes up it IS a simple matter to say "that guy there with the clip board." And there may be some egotism in wanting to stand out more. However...that being said, what you call "self-admiration" can also be looked at as looking more official.  
>I agree with what HL Lyneya de Grey said about this issue. Both heavy and light fighters have something that indicates who is the marshal in charge. We can more tie ourselves in with the rest of those communities this way.  
>   In the past we have complained about be the "red-headed step children way out there in the field" and "why can't we be more recognized". We've been doing really well to change that over the last couple of years but we need to keep working at it. Doing this one simple thing hurts nothing and changes not one thing in how we do what we do. It only serves to make us look more official and maybe have to benefit of being easier to spot when we are thronged by individuals giving us their score on the range.  
>Once again, no one is being forced to try this so what is the harm in tinkering with this idea?
>HL Cian
>Sent from my iPhone 
>On May 29, 2013, at 9:36 AM, "Joey Gauthier" <xferdesk at yahoo.com> wrote:
>Having a belt flag isn't an issue of safety. No one is more or less safe with or without it. It's an issue of identification. And for the most part there really isn't an issue of identification. If someone is new to the field of archery they won't know what to look for, including a belt flag. They will have to communicate with other people to find the MIC. 
>>And it's never been an issue in the past trying to find the MIC. People approach a field and ask "so who do I talk to about wanting to shoot?" And someone directs them to the MIC. Carrying a badge, sash, pendant, flag, etc, seems more like self admiration than a safety issue. New comers won't be able to identify a badge out out a cluster of awards, regalia, or basic accessories that a lot of sca'ers wear. Lets just remain helping each other through communication like we always have. The system isn't broke, we don't need to fix it. 
>>In service,
>>Ld Griffin Fane, 
>>Arcarius to HL Gunnar Haukr
>>Archery Marshal, Eldern Hills
>>On May 29, 2013, at 8:59 AM, Frank Schalles <francisschalles at gmail.com> wrote: 
>>>There are many good ideas presented here. Some of the community see's no reason for change,
>>>others embrace it. If a sash would be problematic while shooting, then it's not a good thing. If a
>>>taberd is too hot, then that's not good, if a medallion could get lost, then it's useless. So, why dont we do something we are already doing, something that doesnt get in the way, something  that is not hot, and something that probably will not get lost. What is this wondrous thing?
>>>A belt flag of Or and sable. It is simple, gets seen by everyone, will not conflict with any heraldry I am  familiar with, and will not get in the way of shooting. There are many belt flags being worn already.
>>>And I consider the identification of a MIC and Archery Marshal on the field to be a safety issue.
>>>And who doesnt want to be safe?
>>>Lord Francois de Lions,
>>>Deputy Archery Marshal, Central Region
>>>On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 9:05 PM, Susan McMahill <sueorintx at hotmail.com> wrote: 
>>>While the idea is a good one, in the ten or so years since I started doing archery in Ansteorra, I have never seen people having any real difficulty finding a marshal to inspect, ask questions of, etc. Sashes can be problematic, as people have pointed out, hoods and tabards too hot and inconsistent. Medallions are easily lost or confused among other insignia that may be worn. I know when I wear just my archery awards and my Oak, I have several things around my neck already. Anything else would get lost.  Many groups have regalia that they want their champions to wear. These too, would conflict with anything as far as collars, sashes, hoods, as many already wear them as champions.  There are two things that people can be guaranteed to see already, that lead immediately to someone who can help them, the white bracer of the Arc d' Or and the red bracers of the Students of the Arcs. Almost always there are several of those around, if there is a
 competition of any sort or the group is large enough. Smaller groups really don't require anyone to have identifying insignia, or garb, because everyone probably knows everyone there, already.  I'm not participating in Archery much, now, but it still means a great deal to me, and I do follow it. Just my two cents worth. In Service, HL Lyneya de Grey
>>>>From: jack_a_lope31 at hotmail.comDate: Tue, 28 May 2013 20:29:37 -0500 To: ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org
>>>>Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Marshal Sash Idea
>>>>I agree totally with this. We shouldnt make too many rules or it will start to become a fun suck. But i suppose if there is a cool enough sash, folks might want to wear it.  Might want to speak to the heraldic community to make sure no one has a cow about an Official sash 
>>>>Karl Thorgeirsson
>>>>Sent from my iPhone
>>>>On May 28, 2013, at 15:05, "Ld. Cian Rhys Gravenor" <metaldog00 at hotmail.com> wrote: 
>>>>Misgivings aside I would like to give it a try. I agree it shouldn't be mandatory as well. Anyone who would like to experiment with should be encouraged to so. Maybe try it out on your local archers first I see what they think about it. And maybe at the next major event comes up give it a real trial run.  
>>>>> Any one who doesn't want to participate in this experiment shouldn't feel pressured to do anything but those who do shouldn't be discouraged from trying. I appreciate the initiative.  
>>>>>HL Cian
>>>>>Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>On May 28, 2013, at 1:30 PM, "Harry Billings" <humble_archer at hotmail.com> wrote: 
>>>>>just because you are a marshal does not mean that you should be or are even wanted to be inspecting equipment for a shoot, the fewer inspectors the less likely some thing the  MiC does not like want getting into the shoot. plachoya  Ansteorra
>>>>>>This is a bad idea and won't work for reasons too long to list  
>>>>>>here, just a waste of time, effort and resources! 
>>>>>>Get smart and ask any archer on the range whom is inspecting  
>>>>>>when you arrive and they should be able to point you toward that  
>>>>>>person(s) and please courteous, arrive early to enough to get  
>>>>>>inspected without the marshal having to rush you through it or  
>>>>>>delay starting their tournament!   
>>>>>>>I do have to give full credit to Faolan for the idea of the arrow through the head.  
>>>>>>>On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 10:49 AM, Patrick R <tex_yankee2004 at yahoo.com> wrote: 
>>>>>>>I like that so much better than the sash. The MIC can have a brass tip.  
>>>>>>>>On May 28, 2013, at 6:02 AM, "Ld.blackmoon" <ld.blackmoon at cox.net> wrote:  
>>>>>>>>> biggest problem could be getting people to actually wear them : / 
>>>>>>>>>Be Safe , Be Happy, Have Fun .
>>>>>>>>>Arthura.org http://lists.ansteorra.org/listinfo.cgi/ansteorra-archery-ansteorra.org    
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