[Ansteorra-chirurgeon] Minor changes in www.chirurgeon.net

Richard Threlkeld rjt at softwareinnovation.com
Tue Sep 6 21:34:36 PDT 2005

I'm currently coding the Kingdom Chirurgeons' report to the CG and decided I
needed to provide some additional fields and web pages. The first is now
available - an Awards field on each Chirurgeon's page. You have up to 200
characters free-form. Some like AoA and OP will be recognized in all
kingdoms. Others like Sable Crane will only be known by others in your
kingdom. I encourage you to spell out kingdom specific ones so the rest of
us have at least a chance of figuring them out. If there is enough demand
and people will collect the possible award names for me, I will add a pull
down for these and allow any arbitrary number of them for each person. 
BTW, each person sets their own awards. This is an honorable group after all
and there are no legal requirements for awards entry.
Next will be display/update pages for kingdoms, principalities, and regions.
I have been keeping them up to date manually. It will be better (and faster)
allowing the KC and PC keep up their own. 
When these are done, the KC Quarterly report to the CG will only require 
    # events in kingdom newsletter w/o events in the database (number)
    Activities of note (free form)
    Concerns (free form)
    Good news and commendations (free form)
All other fields will automatically be extracted from the database. Note all
data except the "Concerns" will be displayed to any Chirurgeon with and ID
and Password. "Concerns" will only be available to the KC and those with
"SCA Admin" privileges (including the CG, of course). If the KCs decide they
want the "Good news..." to be private also, I will entertain that.
Since this will all be stored in the database along with date/time of entry,
you will not have to mail the report to the CG. She will either get it from
the web pages or I will automatically email a formatted copy of the report
you entered to her. 
Of course, this only applies for those who are using the database. Others
will have to continue doing their whole reports manually (shameless plug).
In service,
Caeiln on Andrede
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