[Ansteorra-marshals] Time Limits On Authorization

Earl Marshal kingdom at marshal.ansteorra.org
Sat Jul 25 12:42:44 PDT 2015

They will ;). Information about this is forthcoming as I get the mechanics
worked out.


On Friday, July 24, 2015, Gene Hosey <genehosey at icloud.com> wrote:

> I was put on this list because I am an Authorizing Marshal, thanks!
> But, my Marshal Authorization expired, a long time ago.
> I figured no big deal as my Authorizing Marshal Authorization would expire
> as well.
> But it is looking like that is not the way the system is set up. I do get
> "do not reply" notices about having one without the other but that is all.
> So the question is "Do Authorizing Marshal Privileges expire like
> everything else on the fighter card?"
> If not, why not?
> Hosey
> Sent from my iPhone
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