[Ansteorra-marshals] Rawhide swords

ulsted at juno.com ulsted at juno.com
Fri Feb 26 10:19:45 PST 2016

Argh - my hoarding has failed me...  I now only have the 2006 Marshal Handbook, having *just* thrown out my handbooks from the 90's. For those who have been around a *really* long time - the weapons standards part used to explicitly list rattan, leather, and foam as 'approved materials' for construction (and rawhide was understood as leather).  With the 2006 update (I think), that list was removed, but as I recall some of the discussions at the time, the intent was *not* to make existing weapons illegal.  I used a rawhide covered sword in the late '80s.  But all weapons went through the "don't be an idiot" test - so the mace made out of nothing but rolled rawhide (you know, a finishing hammer) was banned. So, we never really thought to run a rawhide cover through an 'experiment' since it was already allowed. Is that a better explanation of the "we've always done that"? :) Ulsted

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Jean Paul de Sens <jeanpauldesens at gmail.com>
To: Discussion list for all Ansteorran marshals <ansteorra-marshals at lists.ansteorra.org>
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-marshals] Rawhide swords
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:49:24 -0600


I started this discussion because I wanted us to think critically about
this construction method.  We often have the "THAT SOUNDS COOL!!! LETS TRY
IT!!!" mentality in our kingdom, and it's something I love about us.  But
when I get approached from others in other kingdoms wanting to know the
results of our experimental program for the rawhide swords, I want to have
a nice, solid, rationale for why we never ran one.

For those of you thinking critically about this, and contributing to the
discussion, thank you.

Jean Paul

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