[Ansteorra-marshals] Rawhide swords

Jean Paul de Sens jeanpauldesens at gmail.com
Fri Feb 26 10:40:31 PST 2016

Yeah, that's a pretty good one as well.

I think I'm going to put together a quick poll, send it out to everyone on
this list, and collect it.  I'll make a decision following that.

Jean Paul

Qui mieux fait, mieux vault.

On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 12:19 PM, ulsted at juno.com <ulsted at juno.com> wrote:

> Argh - my hoarding has failed me...  I now only have the 2006 Marshal
> Handbook, having *just* thrown out my handbooks from the 90's. For those
> who have been around a *really* long time - the weapons standards part used
> to explicitly list rattan, leather, and foam as 'approved materials' for
> construction (and rawhide was understood as leather).  With the 2006 update
> (I think), that list was removed, but as I recall some of the discussions
> at the time, the intent was *not* to make existing weapons illegal.  I used
> a rawhide covered sword in the late '80s.  But all weapons went through the
> "don't be an idiot" test - so the mace made out of nothing but rolled
> rawhide (you know, a finishing hammer) was banned. So, we never really
> thought to run a rawhide cover through an 'experiment' since it was already
> allowed. Is that a better explanation of the "we've always done that"? :)
> Ulsted
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: Jean Paul de Sens <jeanpauldesens at gmail.com>
> To: Discussion list for all Ansteorran marshals <
> ansteorra-marshals at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-marshals] Rawhide swords
> Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 17:49:24 -0600
> <snip>
> I started this discussion because I wanted us to think critically about
> this construction method.  We often have the "THAT SOUNDS COOL!!! LETS TRY
> IT!!!" mentality in our kingdom, and it's something I love about us.  But
> when I get approached from others in other kingdoms wanting to know the
> results of our experimental program for the rawhide swords, I want to have
> a nice, solid, rationale for why we never ran one.
> For those of you thinking critically about this, and contributing to the
> discussion, thank you.
> Jean Paul
> Qui mieux fait, mieux vault.
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