[Ansteorra-marshals] [Ansteorra] New Complete Participants Handbook

Brandon McDermott brandonsmcd at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 19 09:37:56 PDT 2016

OK .. I just took the test .... There are format/Q&A issues with a couple questions.. 

#6 ... I did not copy and paste the 9 ways of listing "1/2 inch" though I did answer 1/2 inch (12.5mm) which is correct and what is listed in Ansteorra's Rule set

#32 ... there is no specific thickness for ABS listed in Ansteorra's or the SCA's rule set therefore E. 1/8 in ABS is left to a case by case determination by the inspecting marshal and in my estimation is "of sufficientthickness to give similar rigidity to those listed above" as it is used society wide (for demi-gauntlets especially) ... 


    On Saturday, July 16, 2016 12:27 PM, Earl Marshal via Ansteorra <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org> wrote:

 Greeting Ansteorra!!!

Their Most Gracious Majesties, Gabriel and Sonja, in conjunction with our
kingdom seneschal Master Brian, have signed into Law a revised Complete
Participants Handbook into Law.

We will be publishing this handbook on the official marshal site shortly,
but for now, you can obtain a copy of the new handbook by following this


Jean Paul de Sens
Earl Marshal
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