[Ansteorra-marshals] Pre- Gulf War Authorizations

Marshalate Secretary secretary at marshal.ansteorra.org
Tue Feb 21 17:37:19 PST 2017


Gulf Wars is right around the corner. And with that in mind, please note:
For all fighter authorizations wanting to be processed (through me) and
updated for Gulf War 2017, it needs to be submitted no later than March
7th, 2017 (by 9pm).
Any authorizations received after that date/time will be processed after my
return from Gulf Wars
Many Thanks!

- - - - - - -
In service to the Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra,
HL Simha bint Yusuf

*Please note that the Marshalate Secretary's Office will be closed Tuesday,
March 7th 2017 at 9pm. Any authorizations / emails received after 9pm on
3/7/2017 will be processed / answered upin my return from Gulf Wars.*

*** *Self Print Authorization Cards are now available! ****
*To access your card, please use your email address at:*

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