[Ansteorra-missile] Rules Clairifications Questions(Very Long)

Greylond Aston greylondaston at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 13 11:11:19 PST 2002

Ok, thanks for the info. I'd like to offer a few
suggestions for the rules revisions to make it more
clear, if I may.

It does appear that the current rules were designed
along these lines but I think that it needs to be
carried further.

Design the rules sections along these lines;

1) Missile User General Rules: In this section layout
the general rules that apply to all missile troops to
act on as a default.
     A) Define "Missile User"
     B) General Rules of conduct on the field
     C) Default Armor Requirements to be used in the
        absense of additional armor rules for each
        type of Missile User
     D) General Weapon Standards/Restrictions
        that provide a base for all missile weapons.

2) Archer:
     A) Define "Archer"
     B) General Rules of Conduct for Archers
     C) Archer Armor requirements that differ from
     D) Bow Standards/Restrictions

Then repeat ad nauseum for each of the following

3) Crossbowman:
4) Staff Slinger:
5) Hand Slinger:
6) Javelin Thrower:
7) Misc Hand Thrown Missile User: Axes, Throwing
Knives, Darts, etc.
8) Hand/Shoulder Firearm mockups:(this provides for a
space to say that they are currently not to be used
and also acts as a placeholder just in case someone
comes up with a safe design that eventually becomes
accepted. I've heard from people that there was a time
that Combat Archery was once considered as not safe
enough to have on a SCA field but someone cameup with
a way to do it. So you never know what the future
holds as far as Handgunnes are concerened. If you
leave a placeholder now then the rules will have a
space to expand at a later date.)

I know that it might seem as oversimplified and dumb
to have to define terms such as "Archer" but when
dealing with safety rules and rules of a game with as
many players as we have in the Kingdom, it is better
to define even the simple terms so as to avoid
confusion. Having guidlines and passing the actual
Intent of the rules by word of mouth starts to break
down once a sufficient number of players gets
involved. I feel that it would be better to be
oversimplified than possibly misunderstood.

Also, if you give each of the numbered Sections above
its own page(Front and Back) at a minimum, then it
would be easier to update one page/section of the
rules instead of the entire book. For example, if
there is a change that only affects the Crossbow
page/section then the Kingdom could issue a new
Crossbow page to be put in place of the old one
without having to re-write and re-arrange the entire
rulebook. Some sections would of course be much
shorter than one page but you could simply put a label
on the blank back page "This page intentionally left

Anyone who has dealt with updating U.S. Military Tech
Manuals will recognize this method. It does make for
slightly larger books but makes Book Maintenance and
Upgrades much easier. The inside of the Cover Sheet is
a good place to list page revisions. In other words
whenever a page/section is updated a new Rulebook
Coversheet is also produced with the new revision date
on the front and page numbers/dates of updated pages
listed on the inside. In this way a rulebook placed in
a three-ring binder can be changed as time goes by
without it ever having to be completely re-written.

Anyway, that's my tuppence.

Thanks again M'lord for clearing some things up and
for taking the time with me on the issue. I am really
enjoying the SCA and anything that allows me to send
any kind of missile downrange is a Good Thing. In
fact, I feel better now about getting back on the
field with my sling.


Greylond Aston
"There are only Two kinds of people on the
battlefield, Archers and TARGETS!"

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