[Ansteorra-missile] Rules Clairifications Questions(Very Long)

Eadric Anstapa eadric at scabrewer.com
Tue Nov 12 22:12:46 PST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Greylond Aston" <greylondaston at yahoo.com>
> Ok, I've gone back and re-read the Ansteorran and
> Society's rules for Combat Archery and I'm still
> confused by the rules. In both sets of rules dealing
> with Combat Archery there are repeated references to
> "Combat Archers who fire/throw missiles..." which
> seems to me that the term "Combat Archer" means any
> missile weapon user. As such the rule for armor which
> allows "Combat Archers" to use an "Archer's Gauntlet"
> would apply to any missile armed participant. I can't
> find anywhere in the rules that specifically says that
> a certain type of Missile Weapon Participant is
> excepted from the "Archer's Gauntlet" rule. If it is
> there could you please point me to the relevant rule.

It is confusing. In our rules Misc Missile Combatants are not very well
covered.  We will be fixing that in the next revision of the rules.  I urge
you not to read anything into the rules that it not there.  If slingers are
not mentioned then standard armor requirements apply.  As I said in my
earlier post.  I will do my best to make sure that it is covered properly in
the next set of rules.

There are lots of things in there that need to be cleared up.  There is some
Siege stuff in the Missile Combat Section of our rules.  Even though there
is a separate Siege section some artifacts are in the Missile Combat
Section.  All that stuff needs to come out.

In this Kingdom, before you can use any missile weapon, you are supposed to
be authorized for "Missile Combat".  That includes Staff Slings, throwing
Axes, Javelins, etc.  You will not find missile weapons covered in section 2
or 3 (the armored or chivalric combat sections) they are only covered in the
missile combat section.

In the missile combat section you will find at 6.1.H.

"Combat Archers may use Marshalate approved, hand thrown projectiles only
when such are being allowed. All such users of hand thrown projectiles shall
obey any and all instructions and/or restrictions pertaining to any
particular hand thrown projectile weapon.".

In other words, as a Combat Archer you are also authorized to used other
Misc Missile weapons but there may be certain restrictions when using those
weapons.  Those restrictions are sadly not spelled out.  One of those
restrictions is that you cant get away with archers gauntlets.

> Also, is there somewhere that I can get copies of any
> official ruling changes that have been issued? Such
> has SEM proclaimations(other than the APD issue).

Not that I know of.  Some of the stuff you can get from reading the Minutes
of the BOD meetings or the SEMs reports to the BOD.  Some you can get off
the Society Marshals Web site links via the SCA.org web site.  Heck, after
the APD ruling came down in 2001 is was months before you could find it
online in any official form and that was a MAJOR change in the way things
were done.

Hang in There,

Lord Eadric Anstapa
Kingdom Archery Marshal, Ansteorra
eadric at scabrewer.com

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