[Ansteorra-missile] Rules Clairifications Questions(Very Long)

Greylond Aston greylondaston at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 12 20:42:06 PST 2002

Ok, I've gone back and re-read the Ansteorran and
Society's rules for Combat Archery and I'm still
confused by the rules. In both sets of rules dealing
with Combat Archery there are repeated references to
"Combat Archers who fire/throw missiles..." which
seems to me that the term "Combat Archer" means any
missile weapon user. As such the rule for armor which
allows "Combat Archers" to use an "Archer's Gauntlet"
would apply to any missile armed participant. I can't
find anywhere in the rules that specifically says that
a certain type of Missile Weapon Participant is
excepted from the "Archer's Gauntlet" rule. If it is
there could you please point me to the relevant rule.

Also, is there somewhere that I can get copies of any
official ruling changes that have been issued? Such
has SEM proclaimations(other than the APD issue).

I appreciate your indulgence in attempting to clear up
things for me.


Greylond Aston

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