[Ansteorra-missile] of email lists

Michael Smith morganbuchanan at hotmail.com
Tue May 6 14:28:52 PDT 2003

I just wanted to make a quick point on email lists.  Generally, if you have
1 list that has 50 posts a week which could be split into two lists, you
SHOULD have the 50 posts a week split over two lists.  Occasionally you'll
have some cross postsing.  However, more often than not, you should see
about the same amount of email to slog through if you subscribe to both
lists.  If, however, one is interested in only half the list, it's much more
convenient to subscribe to 1 sublist than 1 big list.  Specialization
generally makes participation a bit easier.  If the volume of email you
receive is an issue, go for the digest version.  They rock!  :)


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