ARN - from Kazimir, what does it take?

Robert Kern Wolfe at
Fri Apr 16 09:11:33 PDT 1999

In reply to your question about being a cadet, is it really that important.
I have been active in the SCA for twenty years.  I have marshalled heavy and
light in several kingdoms, started the group in the Netherlands, am
currently a marshall, and I do not even have an AOA.  This is because I
simply don't want one.  I politely turn down such awards, everything from a
baronnial coronet to a peerage.  I am here for the fun, and the people.  Not

I'm not busting anyone who enjoys that.  I'm simply saying that it is not
necessary to enjoying going to events and having the time of your life.

Someone in the stronghold here asked me why I always turn those down and
never fought in a crown or coronet tourney.  My answer was that I am always
surrounded by a crowd at an event.  But they are not an entourage, they are
my friends.  Not because what they can get out of me, but because they like
hanging around me.

I'm sure anyone that has ever worn a crown, or held a peerage will know what
I am talking about.  Some people enjoy that.  You say that you don't like
politics, I sure don't.

Everyone enjoys different things and have fun at what you do enjoy.  The
main thing I have to say is: why do you have that dedication and drive?
Because you enjoy it, or you want something out of it?  Maybe you should
just enjoy the fencing and comraderie in one of the most wonderful
organizations ever created.

Robert Wolfe
Marshall of Falconridge

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