ARN - Cold Blades

Jesus Cavazos toshirokoi at
Mon Dec 6 11:33:47 PST 1999

>From: Brenda L Chan <breee at>
>Reply-To: ansteorra-rapier at Ansteorra.ORG
>To: ansteorra-rapier at Ansteorra.ORG
>Subject: Re: ARN - Cold Blades
>Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 22:04:14 -0600
>how do you warm the blade outside?

I use a small wash towel.  I rub it up and down the length of the blade and 
the friction warms the blade.  It also keeps the moisture off the blade.  
Especially if the wash towel has some oil on it.

Toshiro Koi


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