ARN - Gulf War non Don Melee PotterKD at
Mon Dec 13 20:23:48 PST 1999

In a message dated 12/13/1999 6:32:26 PM Central Standard Time, 
cbackus at writes:

<< What I propose is that everyone discuss and decide who would make a good 
overall field commander.  Then, at Gulf Wars, we can nominate and vote, 
agreeing beforehand that the field commander will have command of all units. 


I do not wish to step on toes or get feathers going (with I know I will) but 
as the person who will be Queen at Gulf War I should be the one deciding who 
I want to lead my troops.  The chivalric community does not get together and 
"vote" for someone --the King assigns them. 

I would like to know who is interested in the position and take suggestions 
from all who are interested.  I do know at this time Lord Ingve will be 
leading/organizing a light cavalry group for this melee. 

Learning to serve the dream and Ansteorra,

HRH Kayleigh 
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