ARN - [Fwd: Mesh for sale, was: [drachenrapier] Fencing helms and such]

Brent & Susan Rachel hbrache at
Sat Sep 18 12:33:01 PDT 1999

I got this from Drachenwald's rapier mailing list.

For you armorers, this mesh could allow your helmets to be marketed to a
whole new bunch of folks.

For anyone else looking to modify a current helmet, or try something
new, here's a substitute to perforated plate.

Kazimir Petrovich Pomeshanov
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From: Elmar Vogt <elvogt at>
Subject: Mesh for sale, was: [drachenrapier] Fencing helms and such
Date: Sa., 18 Sep 99 14:17:41 PDT
Size: 3060
Url: /pipermail/

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