ARN - To Honor the Rose

Donald Riney dariusobells at
Fri Aug 25 07:06:26 PDT 2000

Ahhh A very good question your Excellency.  I shall endeavor to explain my 
purpose :-).

All women of Ansteorra truly deserve our honor and respect.  I feel a 
tournament in honor of the Order of the Rose helps give focus to the 
concept.  Many times I have seen our beloved queen as the individual focus 
of the rapier community and rightly so, She is the principal of our order 
and we are given the privilege to fight in her name.  But why should we 
forget them after they have stepped down.  To me the Order of the Rose 
represents the grace, style, and nobility and genteel traits that all of us 
strive for in our SCA careers.  By honoring them as the Order of the rose I 
feel we would be giving honor to those things that lead us to respect and 
admire all the women of Ansteorra.

For the brief six months these incredible women reign as our queen (or King 
in the case of HG Hector).  They are our inspiration to acts of Courtesy, 
Honor and Grace on and off the field.  Their inspiration of the kingdom 
stops not when they step down from the Stellar Throne, but stays with us 
always in our hearts.

I have known, that the Order has been discussing a tourney for the rapier 
community, I would have us as genteel members of the court, give to the rose 
as much Honor as they have given to us.

I do indeed like the Idea of a Tourney in honor of the women of this fine 
Kingdom, doing both could be a lot of fun.

Hl Darius of the Bells
Cadet to Don Llywellen

>Greetings unto the list..........
>I must have missed the first part of the message...........the why.  I know
>that the roses are starting to organize themselves to sponsor tourney for
>different communities.  Why just the order of the rose -- why not all 
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