ARN - To Honor the Rose

Donald Riney dariusobells at
Fri Aug 25 07:25:23 PDT 2000

It has come up of "More detail please" so I will expand on the concept as I 
see it, please keep in mind nothing is written in stone.

For this tourney I see no need of a title for the winner, simply the ring, 
and the privilege of toasting the order. I think this because I would like 
to keep in mind that in this tourney is to honor those who have inspired us 
for so many years, and not for personal fame.

As to format, I believe one that the format should decide a clear victor, 
that has bested all others through skill and grace, _OR_ Ask that The Order 
of the Rose to chose a champion from those who are on the field that day.  
Doing both is also possible.  The exact tourney style is certainly not 
decided upon, I would like to here any suggestions my fellow rapier fighters 
could give me, especially if anyone happens to have research on period 
rapier tournament formats.

With this in mind we could have a tourney such as this once or twice a year, 
it need not be a comparison to Queens Champion, for we are not fighting to 
maintain the defense of the brightest star illuminating the Ansteorran 
night. Rather we fight for the opportunity to give honor and praise to the 
most inspiring Order of the Rose. We would be fighting for the opportunity 
to humble ourselves before their grace and wisdom and give homage unto them.


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