ARN - Heavy Rapier Only?

Theron Bretz tbretz at
Thu Feb 24 06:21:27 PST 2000

> Heavy tourney 'only'?  Why would we want to do that?  One of the things I
> love about Ansteorra is that no one is tring to force me to fight heavy
> rapier.  I like the fact that most tourney styles let the combatants
> if they want to fight heavy or light rapier.  I think having a heavy only
> tourney in Ansteorra would limit those who could or would compete to the
> tourneys detriment. Please don't say "If you don't like it, don't fight".
> That is an easy out for those who can not think of a better answer.

OK, how about this then.  I don't think there's much contention that the
heavy rapier style is significantly closer to the period model than that
practiced by us wire-whippers.  Therefore, if one were trying to 'raise the
bar' authenticity-wise, I believe that holding a tournament where the more
correct swords were used exclusively would be a step in the right direction.

Additionally, there are ample examples from the armoured combat field of
similar approaches to a tourney.  I've seen great weapons only, mass weapons
only, spear only, and axe only tournaments announced in the past, and we'll
doubtlessly see them again in the future.  While such weapons are less
expensive than heavy rapiers, all require specific skills to master
effectively, as well as typically needing gauntlets to wield them, an
additional expense.  Yet, I seldom hear complaints when such a tournament

That having been said, I'm not sure that Guardian of the Gauntlet is the
proper tournament to try such a thing.  GoG is a tournament with a
long-standing tradition in Ansteorra and that tradition does not include
excluding people.  I would suggest that the person(s) putting on this
tournament consider the possible backlash that could come from people who
feel that the arte of the rapier in Ansteorra is moving inexorably towards
heavier, more expensive blades and choose to avoid this event in droves.
Perhaps a side tournament that is open to all, or melee scenarios that
exclude the heavy rapier entirely might in some way mitigate the perception
that this is a "schlager-jocks"-only event.

Trying to argue for both sides is tiring work

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