ARN - Tournament Styles - HR only CADET1313 at
Thu Feb 24 13:59:58 PST 2000

In a message dated 2/24/00 1:17:59 PM Central Standard Time, 
tbretz at writes:

<< Fast epee verses heavy rapier - It was my understanding that depending on
 'rig' an epee can be as heavy as a schlager. So a minimum weight would
 that argument.  Which leaves the 'a schlager "looks" more period' defense.
 Well, not entirely.  Any weight you tack onto an epee is going to come from
 the guard, grip and pommel.  A schlager or Del Tin carries more of this
 weight in the blade.  An epee with a heavy guard won't necessarily be all
 that slow either, as the extra weight is at or behind the point of rotation,
 whereas a more blade-heavy weapons weight is less conveniently placed.  As a
 result, the techniques needed to effectively use a heavy rapier and a rigged
 epee of identical weight would be drastically different.  The fact that
 heavy rapiers can use open-worked hilts also allows for further
 differentiations between the weapons in question.
I normal don't do this . BUT,  Thank you Etienne, That is what I ment and I 
hoped that others got that too.
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