ARN - Drop-outs, or the missing

Theron Bretz tbretz at
Fri Feb 25 01:44:03 PST 2000

>     So, the question is, would an old style tourney that just the Dons
> bring the missing out of the woodwork like termites at a house fire?

Knowing a fair number of those Don-osaurs, probably not.  Looking at the two
dozen or so who were made White Scarves before I started fencing (i.e., my

Half are still active in one capacity or another (note, active can mean I've
seen them at an event or circle in the past year).   About half of this
number still fight in tournaments on a somewhat regular basis.

Five are out of Kingdom and have not, to my knowledge, been heard from in
many years.

One left Kingdom fairly recently, but truly, would having Mouse come to a
tournament be all that "old school"?

The remaining six are effectively retired, for a variety of personal and /or
health reasons.  While they might show up at such a tourney, they probably
wouldn't fight.

By the time you get to the second two dozen, you're effectively in the
"modern era", and interestingly enough, about half of that bunch are
"inactive" as well (although some are active in other Kingdoms, etc.).

Still, I wouldn't mind crossing blades with Dupre or Eldric one more time...

Getting all misty in his dotage

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