ARN - Stagnation? WAS Re: While we're talking about the new cards...

Chandranath russ at
Tue Sep 19 19:46:38 PDT 2000

On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 09:32:37PM +0100, Cynthia Hamilton wrote:
> If you object to the wording now that someone else mentions it first, why
> didn't you object to it when you signed your new card - or didn't you read
> your new card before you signed it? 

As has been pointed out, by me, until everyone was sick of me, I don't have a
new card, so this is the first I'd heard of it. :)

> (and I use the plural you I don't mean to attack  Etienne on this, but he was
> the first to quote the actual wording so that is why I chose his post to
> respond to) 

I gather that Etienne likewise does not have one of the new cards, since he
was asking if the wording was indeed as given.

As I said a minute ago in private mail, I think there is good reason to drop
the topic, either way, on this list; that reason being the preservation of the
peace.  Now that the existence of the wording is established, those
sufficiently concerned can take it to the appropriate channels, as mail I just
read from Etienne suggested he intends to do.



I am, due to various mundane reasons, a fairly regional player, so I am
unclear on the situation in other regions.  However, I am a local marshal up
here in Mooneschadowe, and have noticed the state of affairs in the north.
Without getting into details or pointing fingers, there are hardly any regular
practices, a situation that has been true all through the heydey months of
summer.  This is depressing; I want more people to fight.

How are the fighter numbers going in the rest of our fair kingdom?  Up?  Down?
Stable?  Stagnating?  Imaginary?  (1+2i fighters?)

Apologies in advance to Don Hawkins if I tread on his toes here.


Lord Chandranath, Cadet to Don Timothy
Musician in the King's Players
Deputy Regional Herald, Northern Ansteorra
Rapier Marshal and Captain of the Plumes of the Shire of Mooneschadowe
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