ARN - While we're talking about the new cards..."okey-dokey"

Theron Bretz tbretz at
Wed Sep 20 09:36:28 PDT 2000

>I have enough problems remembering where one card is, but if you make it
into two, it will be almost impossible.  :)

For years I've kept my authorization card underneath the chin pad of my
mask.  This practice dates back to my early days in the Society before we
had authorization cards.  Instead, there were these annoying waivers we had
to sign *and keep on our person AT ALL TIMES while fighting*.  Since I
didn't have pockets on my armor, I stuck them under my helmet padding.  When
I took up fencing, the space under the chin pad seemed a natural, especially
as I can lose something as small as a card without even trying.  Since I can
also lose something as large as a fencing mask in equally effortless
fashion, having my card in there allows other kind-hearted souls to
determine the owner of said wayward mask.


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