ARN - tips

Hughes, David DJ SCC DH982420 at
Thu Sep 21 07:22:08 PDT 2000

On Thursday, September 21, 2000 6:18 AM, Russell Husted
[SMTP:husted at] wrote:
| I am just concerned that what the rules say and what we require are
| one and 
| the same thing and that they are safe. Outside that, no complaints on
| this 
| end.
| mahee

The rules say "firmly affixed" & "color contrasting" , but do not specify
how this is to be done.
Many people recommend using tape, but it is not required, as long as the tip
is of a contrasting color to the blade and firmly affixed.
Unfortunately, the verbal transmission of knowledge often results in what
"A" teaches to "B" as a possible good idea, "B" teaches to "C" as mandatory,
and "C" teaches to "D" as the word of GOD, set in stone.
Personally, I carry a hardcopy of the current rules with me.  When I find
someone stating "You must do it this way",  I'll hand them the rules, point
out the proper passage, and suggest that they  rephrase what they are saying
as " I think", or "I've always been told it's a good idea to do it this

It is sometimes necessary to remind people "If it hasn't been published in
an official document, it's not a regulation, only a suggestion, and cannot
be enforced by the Marshalate".  Yes, sometimes there have been decrees from
on high that such and such will be observed during the period between the
decision to do such and such and the publication of such and such, but those
have been rare, and most of the time have addressed legitimate safety

IMO, simply taping the blunt to the blade does NOT constitute being " firmly
affixed".  Of course, my opinion and $3 will get you a low fat Latte. <G>

David Gallowglass
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