ARN - Melee Terms

Cynthia Hamilton jaysmom at
Thu Jan 18 04:42:24 PST 2001

Hi Larkin,

I think that calling out that you are dead falls into the category of
Communicating With Your Teammates so they'll know what's going on.  (something
that we were repeatedly reminded to do at war practice this past weekend) 

If I'm dead and I just fall down, who else will notice besides the person
standing next to me who's side is suddenly open.  Then its up to that person
to remedy the situation.  They'll likely get distracted with trying to figure
out "hey where did my neighbor go?" and end up dead, too.

If I call out "dead" then others on my team are expecting there to be a gap
somewhere and can anticipate filling it.  If I add my name as in "Simone's
dead" then my teammates and Captain have a more specific location for where
that gap will be.   By communicating my death to my teammates, I am helping
them to react to the situation more quickly.

On a side note - if you end up on a team where you don't know anybody, be sure
to introduce yourself to your captain and team mates.  That way you can be
referred to by name when given directions - not as "hey you in the green, go
do x", and hopefully in the chaos when things fall apart, you won't be killed
accidentally by a teammate because they don't know who you are/forgot you were
on their team ;-)


Charlie Cain wrote:
> Cynthia Hamilton wrote:
> >
> > I also like the idea of calling out our names when we are dead,
> >
> And when was the last time you heard a corpse say anything?  If you're
> dead, fall down.  However, if John notices that Simone's dead he
> should say so if the other members on his team don't notice it.
> Larkin
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