ARN - Youth Rapier

Delphina Champeaux lady_rapier at
Thu Jan 25 15:59:32 PST 2001

There are three in this region and 5+ that travel a
lot from other regions.  Please, please have a tourney
at your event.  If I can't be there to run it I will
make sure that there is someone. (I think that I can
make it unless I get a summer job. <g>)

Thank you for thinking about it.  The Youth usually
fight in between the rounds of the adult tourney so
there won't be any extra fields and it keeps the day a
bit shorter.  

Remember that only 12-17 year olds can fight and there
may be a need to keep it out of the total over all
points unless there is something for those younger to
do that the older ones aren't allowed. Which would be

Thanks again!


--- Phillip Toland <p.toland at> wrote:
> Greetings Lady Delphina:
> I am incharge of planning the children's activities
> for Gates Edge's Mid
> Summer Faire being held the weekend of June 2nd, and
> wanted to included
> youth rapier if we have enough youth rapier in the
> coastal region to have a
> tournament.  I would appreciate it if you could let
> me know how many youth
> rapier fighters there are and if there is enough
> interest to warrant a
> tourney.  This year we would like our Children's
> champion to be the youth
> who participates in as many children's activities as
> possible.
> In Service
> Lady Caelainn O Comhraidhe

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