ARN - Rogues & Rapiers III FERGUSMAN at
Sat Jan 27 05:05:34 PST 2001

Greetings unto the good people of Ansteorra. The Shire of Rosenfeld invites 
one and all to their Rogues & Rapiers III event, April 6-8, 2001. As always 
this will be an all-rapier event. There will be a double elimination 
tournament Saturday morning to determine our Shire Rapier Champion. In the 
afternoon the Ladies of the Rose will host a tournament the winner of which 
will become a member of the Company of the Defenders of the Rose. There will 
also be a youth tournament in which each youth fighter will be sponsored by 
an older, experienced fighter (more on this later). We are told TRM will be 
in attendance and that there will be a White Scarves Circle at TRM's pleasure 
during the event. There will also be dueling for tokens throughout the day. 
The individual with the most tokens at the end of the day will win a fabulous 
prize as will the winners of the two tournaments. We have spared no expense 
on these prizes, but you will have to come to the event to find out what they 
are. For more information go to our Rogues III website at <A HREF="">Rogues 3</A>, or see 
our announcement in next month's Black Star. 
In Service I am,
Fergus O'Siadhail
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