[Ansteorra-rapier] Advisory Roll

Walter Robin wr at plumes.org
Mon Jul 16 11:30:31 PDT 2001

The caterpiller can not know what it is to be a butterfly.

Until the day I wear the scarf, my opinions on a candidate's worthiness are
largely irrelevant to the order. My opinions may reflect "right-minded"
thinking on my part, but why should they influence the circle's
understanding of itself?  The only thing I could do is answer a specific
question, such as: ' Is so-and-so still kind to small children and furry
animals when a WS is not around?'

As far as marshallate, rules, and community issues, perhaps the occasional
roundtable ( no more than 2 per year ) at a class-type event for an agenda-d
discussion would be interesting.

It sometimes takes a while to realize that WS's ARE approachable...(busy,
but approachable)  One place I think the occasional WS visit can make a very
big difference is in the smaller 'one-cadet towns'.  The local marshal may
be a one- or two- year fighter, and not realize that all he has to do is

It's hard for me to imagine a candidate being elevated, but rejected by the
community as a whole.  The scarf is so well respected;  those that know the
candidate will or won't respect him (deservedly or undeservedly); those that
don't know the candidate will respect him, by virtue of the scarf
(deservedly or undeservedly).  It might be very difficult for such a
candidate to accomplish anything within the circle, but in the outer
community he could be as well respected.

But as I've already proven, my opinion is irrelevant.  :)

Ld Walter Robin, AQR
Mooneschadowe Rapier Marshal
cdt Don Navarre

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