ARN - Gulf Wars Rapier class

Walter Robin aborman at
Wed Mar 7 15:32:33 PST 2001

A quick announcement, if I may:

I am now officially on the schedule at Gulf Wars ( ) to teach a couple of
classes on the "Pallas Armata", an exciting English rapier & backsword manual from 1639.  The rapier techniques in the manual focus
on delivering the point, positioning the wrist, and blade control.  I have found it very valid and useful in the SCA context for

The first class is scheduled for 10 am Wednesday and will cover basic definitions & techniques, in an effort to define and
understand the system of this manual.

The second class is scheduled for 10 am Thursday (and will be abbreviated in order to prepare for the War Point melee).  It will
cover specific situation examples (including Other-handedness), and examine the various responses given in the manual to further
develop the system of combat.

You can preview a copy of the manual at ( )   You may find, as I did, that you are
already doing some of these techniques, and this manual provides a wonderful resource for rounding out your style into a full system
of fence.

Good speed & good cheer,
Ld Walter Robin
cdt James Navarre

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