[Ansteorra-rapier] CANCLED >>> Fwd: Rapier tourney at Stargate Yule

gtaylor gtaylor at lonestar.jpl.utsa.edu
Thu Nov 29 13:24:31 PST 2001

What caused the cancellation?  If you can't fight there, then cancelled
is cancelled.  If you can fight at the site, then folks could put on
demos, etc., if desired.  Sadly, I won't be there, as BJ's yule is the
same weekend..


Delphina Champeaux wrote:

> I understand your disappointment, it was not my
> decision to cancel it.  I encourage all who were going
> to fight in the tourney to take a moment and talk to
> Curstaidh during the day.   It will brighten her day
> for she started as a rapier fighter and only gave it
> up when her health kept her from the field.
> Delphina
> --- Sosha Ruark-Cavett <lyoness at texas.net> wrote:
> > That's very sad to hear Delphina.  As a person who
> > had planned to attend
> > the Stargate Yule as an artisan, I am very much
> > disappointed to hear that
> > the rapier fighting has been canceled for unknown
> > reasons.  The
> > tournament for Her Excellency Curstaidh would have
> > been a wonderful break
> > from the Artisans tables.  I hope that plans could
> > again change so that
> > Her Excellency Curstaidh would have her hearts
> > desire at her vigil be met
> > with the rapier communities support.
> >
> > HL Sosha Lyon's O'Rourke
> >
> >
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