[Ansteorra-rapier] CANCLED >>> Fwd: Rapier tourney at Stargate Yule

Delphina Champeaux lady_rapier at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 22 11:44:45 PST 2001

I understand your disappointment, it was not my
decision to cancel it.  I encourage all who were going
to fight in the tourney to take a moment and talk to
Curstaidh during the day.   It will brighten her day
for she started as a rapier fighter and only gave it
up when her health kept her from the field.


--- Sosha Ruark-Cavett <lyoness at texas.net> wrote:
> That's very sad to hear Delphina.  As a person who
> had planned to attend
> the Stargate Yule as an artisan, I am very much
> disappointed to hear that
> the rapier fighting has been canceled for unknown
> reasons.  The
> tournament for Her Excellency Curstaidh would have
> been a wonderful break
> from the Artisans tables.  I hope that plans could
> again change so that
> Her Excellency Curstaidh would have her hearts
> desire at her vigil be met
> with the rapier communities support.
> HL Sosha Lyon's O'Rourke

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