[Ansteorra-rapier] Rapier Melee practice

Charlie Cain / Larkin O'Kane larkinokane at cox-internet.com
Wed Sep 5 06:49:13 PDT 2001

The rapier may not have had a place on the field of war (other than
possibly individual fights)  but it sure is *fun* to play at melee


Theron Bretz wrote:
> > Actually, in my limited experience so far, it hasnt been wars OR
> tournaments
> > that I felt made our kingdom or any other great. For me it has always been
> the
> > people that make up our numbers
> Alessandro, I am in complete agreement with you on this.  My rhetoric is
> intended to be just that, rhetoric.  While I do strongly believe we spend
> too much time thinking about Wars and that the rapier has no place field of
> war, my disagreement with said emphasis should not be taken over-seriously.
> Etienne
> Who knows his is the minority opinion
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