[Ansteorra-rapier] looking for input for this years GW

IagoAH@aol.com IagoAH at aol.com
Mon Sep 17 12:55:56 PDT 2001

Walter Robin Writes RE town battle ugliness...

>It what way, ugly?
Rising callibrations, blindsiding attacks, 5-10 on one attacks, lost tempers, slamming uncontrolled shots around corners.  Grappling, bodily plowing through opponents. Ggiven, much of this changed on an individual level as people were called to the carpet, but they still happened again with others.

>I was on the losing side for all of the town battles,
>and even in the resurrection battle where we were >pressed into the single
>resurrection room, I did not have a sense of anger or >blow escalation or
>uncontrolled behavior on the field.

Then you wer not in the melee that I marshalled, or didn't see much of it.  As the Don Robert stunt double of the day, the Ansteorran problems were sent to me.  Ours were very minor. A couple of others were stepped on by their own people. Generally pulled of the field, fussed at and sent back in to play.

>I can see that >the press of bodies
>could make the marshals concerned, but my perception >of the mood of the
>field was very comfortable.

After one guy was plowed and trampled, it calmed down.

>As a War Point, I suppose that could all change....

For better or worse? The field battle this year was the most emotional I've seen yet.

What might change it for the better is requiring more marshals. I for one plan on marshalling at least one of the big battles, and fighting the other.  I'd suggest some of our more experience marshals do the same.


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