[Ansteorra-rapier] looking for input for this years GW

IagoAH@aol.com IagoAH at aol.com
Mon Sep 17 16:28:13 PDT 2001

In a message dated 9/17/01 5:45:53 PM Central Daylight Time,
JEvans5420 at aol.com writes:

> Castle Vs Ravine???  Hrmm.  I would vote for Castle.  How about a
>  resurrection Castle melee?? I fought in one long ago at Border March.  If
> you
>  died, you had to join the opposite team.  So, eventually, there would only
> be
>  one team left.  But, I would want castle over Ravine.
>  Harry
As much as I HATE to agree with Harry, a resurrection battle where you
changed sides when you die is a hoot.  The confusion is part of the fun.


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