[Ansteorra-rapier] Clarification (was: Cadets Corner)

Charlie Ribron II landf at airmail.net
Sun Jan 27 10:04:11 PST 2002

I did a long time ago and I simple told her she had to ask and she would get
help and I offered and helped her the one fighter practice and she got more
help, but she moved to caid and is a countess there now.
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Zakes <moondrgn at austin.rr.com>
To: ansteorra-rapier at ansteorra.org <ansteorra-rapier at ansteorra.org>
Date: Sunday, January 27, 2002 11:16 AM
Subject: [Ansteorra-rapier] Clarification (was: Cadets Corner)

>At 04:59 PM 1/23/02 -0600, Pubear wrote:
>>4) On the need for new blood.  I have heard of people interested in rapier
>>that said that unless you weren't interested in being a cadet or white
>>scarf, nobody would train you.  Has anybody else heard this?
>Sorry for responding so late on this, but life's been *BUSY* lately, and
>I'm only now getting to play email catch-up. Anyway...
>Can you clarify that statement a bit? did you really mean that you'd heard
>that unless a fighter *isn't* interested in becoming a Cadet or WS, nobody
>would train them?
>Or was it a typo and you meant that only those who *were* interested in
>being Cadets or WS's would get training?
>The first option seems just weird and backwards to me, the second seems
>more likely, if rather narrow-minded of any trainers who actually do that.
>Me, I'm willing to work with anybody; the problem is that I'm frequently
>unable to do so because of other obligations. (For example, at Queen's
>yesterday, I was out in the third round, but I spent the rest of the
>tournament marshalling, then had half an hour to take down and pack my
>pavillion before the White Scarf meeting, then Court, helping to serve the
>feast and it was time to close the hall and go home.)
> -Tivar Moondragon
> Ansteorra
>Ansteorra-rapier mailing list
>Ansteorra-rapier at ansteorra.org

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