[Ansteorra-rapier] Fwd: [MR] Some Gulf Wars News...

GuyLestran@aol.com GuyLestran at aol.com
Wed Mar 27 17:23:22 PST 2002


From: "James C. Wagner Jr." <james at cds.duke.edu>
To: atlantia at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: [MR] Some Gulf Wars News...
Sender: atlantia-admin at atlantia.sca.org
Precedence: bulk
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 13:39:02 -0500

The following are forward, with permission. The first was written By
Gunther with a follow-up by myself. These were posted to the Atlantian
Rapier list but I've been asked about Gulf Wars by many folks and
asked Gunther about forwarding his post as he had already done such
a great report...

Anyone want to comment on the other aspects of the war?


To: atlantianrapiernet at yahoogroups.com
From: Wayne G Han <gwayne at CLEMSON.EDU>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 01:01:44 -0500
Subject: [atlantianrapiernet] Gulf Wars Report to my Fellow Atlantians

Greetings all,

As nominal commander of Their Majesties Rapier Forces at Gulf Wars this
year, I figured I'd give a brief report on our efforts this week past to
help satisfy curiousity.  We were allied this year with Trimaris, facing
the combined forces of Ansteorra, and Meridies (and Calontir incidentally -
though they did not contribute to the rapier effort).

For the pointed battles (all epee):

Open Field Battle:  We managed to field 16 rapier fighters for this
conflict.  In the first battle, we were tasked to be half of a pincer
movement designed to envelope and smash the Ansteorran
line.  Unfortunately, Ansteorra placed a unit of heavy fighters with kite
type shields across from us.  The initial movement was successful, but
eventually our flanking motion was stalled, and most of our troops were
forced off the field by the shields, a reaction unit of five Ansteorran hot
wires including Don Robert McFarlane and Don Brendan, and the Ansteorran
reserves, led by an experienced heavy commander.

In the second battle, we attempted to run the right with the Midrealm
leading, Trimaris in the Middle, and us bringing up the rear.  Worried that
the Ansteorrans would try to turn our flank, I created a group of runners
to retard such a motion.  Unfortunately, the Ansteorrans sent 25 or so
individuals to do just that.  There were no reserves for us to call on,
Atlantian or otherwise, and while being slowed by the valiant efforts of
James of Middle Aston, Chris Cunning, Don Giovanni (of Trimaris), and Duke
Gaston (I think) from Trimaris, they did eventually turn our flank, and
eventually, our entire line was enveloped.  Oops :).

The last battle, the plan was for everyone to just have fun, form triads,
and run around causing havoc.  Our side won that one, go figure.

Champions Battle:  The same format as last year, with each Champion only
fighting one bout against one selected champion on the other side (sides of
fifteen).  Atlantia was allowed only one slot of the four allies slots that
Trimaris had this year.  The other three slots were taken by two
Midrealmers, and one Ealdormerian.  I had the honour of fighting for
Atlantia/Trimaris with Connor Livingstone as my back up.  I won my bout
against a fellow from Meridies.  We lost this battle 9-6, and the war point
went to the Ansteorrans.

Ravine:  A war point for the first time at Gulf Wars, the ravine battle was
a timed flag battle, where the side in possession of 2 or more of 3 flags
at the end of 30 minutes would win.  Tasked with the left flank, our
Atlantian contingent of 11 fighters performed admirably.  Battling
intelligently, and tirelessly along with our allies, we managed to emerge
victorious from this battle at the end of the 30 minutes, seizing two flags.

I would just like to say that I've very proud of all of you that
participated in the two melee battles.  Considering the circumstances (our
numbers, general level of experience), I think that you folks all performed
admirably and have done Atlantia, and our Queen proud.  Know that I would
fight by any of your sides, against any odds, any time.  Thank you for your

Just to let you know, the night after the Open Field Battle, I had
opportunity to speak with Don Dore of Ansteorra about the afternoons
events, and he informed me that of all the rapier fighters arrayed against
them that day, they were worried about Atlantia the most.  Be proud of that.

Individual tournies:

I'll be fast :)...and just mention notable results that I'm aware of...

Schlager Novice Tourney:  Lord James of Middle Aston finishes 2nd.
Meridies Princess' Prize Tourney:  I finish 2nd to Edward Mercer of Ansteorra
Trimaris Tourney:  Lord Connor Livingstone wins it :).
Ansteorran Tourney:  I win it.
Ladies of the Rose Tourney:  I double with...Edward Mercer of Ansteorra in
the semi final, Connor is eliminated by Don Robert of Ansteorra in the final.
Midrealm Torchlight Tourney: Lord Melchior der Grauwulf makes the final
pool single elim list.  Eliminated by, you guessed it, Edward Mercer
:),  Senan from Atenveldt wins.

If I have forgotten any result, my apologies.  I think we as Atlantians
also did a very good job representing Queen and Kingdom in the individual
tournaments this year, perpetuating our reputation as butt kickers :).

Ok, it's getting late :).

As a final note, the weather was pretty good this year, better then last
years.  Oh, and Ansteorra won all the martial war points quite handily
methinks.  The only heavy battle they did not win was the fort I think.

If anyone has any questions or commentary, you know where to find
me.  Thank you all you Atlantians who came out, once again, for your
efforts for our Majesties....

I remain in Service to Her Majesty and all of Atlantia,

THL Gunthar von Drakenburg, OBR, CoWSA

Wayne Han
Graduate Research Assistant
Clemson Institute of Environmental Toxicology (CIET)
509 Westinghouse Rd.
P.O. Box 709
Pendleton, SC 29670
T: (864) 646-2195
F: (864) 646-2277
gwayne at clemson.edu

"In the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we
understand, and we will understand only what we are taught." - Baba Dioum,
Senegalese conservationist

To: atlantianrapiernet at yahoogroups.com
From: "James C. Wagner Jr." <james at cds.duke.edu>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 11:50:13 -0500
Subject: Re: [atlantianrapiernet] Gulf Wars Report to my Fellow Atlantians

Allow me to add a few extra notes to Gunthers excellent missive.

> Open Field Battle:  We managed to field 16 rapier fighters for this
> conflict.  In the first battle, we were tasked to be half of a pincer
> movement designed to envelope and smash the Ansteorran
> line.  Unfortunately, Ansteorra placed a unit of heavy fighters with kite
> type shields across from us.

Upon conversing with one of these fighters, it turns out that the King of
Ansteorra called his chivalry to him prior to the war and informed them that
he expected all Rapier fighters of his kingdom to take the field for that
battle as it was a war point. This group of heavy fighters turned out to be 13
Ansteorran Knights and their associates. (The same 25 mentioned in the
second battle.) As we began, I was, personally, hoping that these folks were
just newbies planning to defend themselves with large shields. *sigh* I got
worried thought when, after a member of the center of their line was legged,
they formed a perfect shield wall in a "V" with the legged fighter as the point.
The Dons came in from our back as our line collappsed around them.

Also, heed the words of the Queen of Trimaris (Who fought for her kingdom on
the field that day!) who said, "Hit them alot!" Words to live by....

> Individual tournies:

> Schlager Novice Tourney:  Lord James of Middle Aston finishes 2nd.
Being as it was a double elimination, I should mention that Lord Charles
Fleming was one of the last four fighters alive in the losers bracket.
(I was extremely lucky to make it all the way through the winners bracket.
If anyone has any suggestions about what to do against case of 40" I'd be
most grateful for the advice. *grin*)

> Ladies of the Rose Tourney:  I double with...Edward Mercer of Ansteorra in
> the semi final, Connor is eliminated by Don Robert of Ansteorra in the final.

There were Many Atlantians who made a great showing! Count Ragnar and Master
Kevin of Thornbury went well into the 5th round. Also, Gunther, they warned you
about the double-kills. When asked about double-kills at the beginning of the
tournament, the Marshalls replied, "Learn to Parry."

>As a final note, the weather was pretty good this year, better then last years.

Unless you count the torrential downpour on monday evening that collapsed just
about every pop-up day shade on site. That site was a scrap aluminum collectors

> Oh, and Ansteorra won all the martial war points quite handily
> methinks.  The only heavy battle they did not win was the fort I think.

Not only did Trimaris win that battle, but I've been told we went into the
fort like a hot knife through butter!

One thing I'd like to add is that Gunther did an amazing job. He welcomed and
encouraged every Atlantian on and off the field and was, himself, inspirational
to Trimaris and her allies. I, myself, look forward to fighting under him in
the future.

James of Middle Aston
james at cds.duke.edu

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