[Ansteorra-rapier] gloves

Wendy Colbert wendyc at vivid.net
Mon Mar 17 15:23:30 PST 2003

You might want to check with Gulf Wars lost and found, when they get
organized. There were some gloves in the rapier field lost and found.

Irene Von Schmetterling

Russell A Rodriguez wrote:
> Greetings all!  I (Esteban de la Vega) lent someone gloves for rapier
> fighting at armor inspection just after 11 am on either tue or wed of
> Gulf War.  I don't remember the gentleman's name, but I do remember that
> he had left his gloves and hood at home, and that he was a heavy fighter
> normally.  The gloves are Tigman wielding gloves, and the logo is very
> faded.  I can be reached at rar3285 at juno.com.  Thanks!
> Esteban de la Vega
> m.k.a. Rusty Rodriguez

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