[Ansteorra-rapier] Argent Anniversary plans

shertzberg@grandecom.net shertzberg at grandecom.net
Thu Nov 13 10:00:20 PST 2003

Agreed, but it was done the last two years at GulfWar.


>While you may have witnessed it, and they may have done it, it is expressly 
>forbidden by the Society Sidesword experiment rules.
>Under "Marshalling Concerns in Sidesword Combat"
>"7. Tournies: For the purpose of this initial experiment, sidesword combat is 
>not to be used in tournaments. Especially tournaments that allow awarding of 
>rank such as a queen's rapier tournament. Sidesword combat may be used for 
>exhibitions such as playing of a prize or for demonstrations."
>It *is* a violation of the rules and of the express premise of the program.
>Sounds to me like a good way to derail the program to me.
>Quoting shertzberg at grandecom.net:
>> Considering that I have personally have seen both Don Giovanni and Don
>> Senan fighting SS in tourneys, I don't think this is in violation of the
>> rules or the premise of the program.
>> Now, the fact that the way it is done here in Ansteorra currently
>> SPECIFICALLY forbids using SS in tourney...well that is up to the KRM
>> (Iago for another couple of months) and the SS Marshal (Aaron).
>> Avery
>> >Perhaps a sidesword exhibition would be more in keeping with the rules
>> and 
>> >premise behind the sidesword experiment.
>> >Irene
>> >
>> >Quoting Chris Zakes <moondrgn at austin.rr.com>:
>> >
>> >> Fair greetings,
>> >> 1. A series of tournaments to reflect our history: one tournament
>> that's
>> >> foil/epee only, one that's heavy blades only, one that's fighters'
>> choice
>> >> and one that's sidesword (yes, I know that we're not supposed to
>> compete
>> >> with sideswords; I'm still working on that detail. <G>)
>> >
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