[Ansteorra-rapier] Mini-event/practice

Laurie - Muirghein muirghein at plaiddragon.net
Thu Oct 23 11:31:04 PDT 2003

Woohoo!  Where will it be?  I'm interested!  I know I'm coming in on the
waning side of event season and I event starved!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick P" <darienwylde at yahoo.com>
To: <ansteorra-rapier at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 7:12 PM
Subject: [Ansteorra-rapier] Mini-event/practice

> Fellow Rapier Combatants,
> I was wonder if any of you would be interested in a
> Rapier Combat mini-event and/or practice on December
> 7th, starting around 10 or 11am?
> I have in mind a few scenarios that could form the
> theme of the day, with pickups and practice
> afterwards.
> If I don't get enough response I will hold off till a
> later date.
> But if there is interest you will begin your day
> battling aboard a sinking ship with a rival ship's
> crew for an exotic cargo to be delivered to a local
> lord.
> As the survivors make there way ashore the holders of
> the cargo were ambushed and the cargo taken, but not
> before the assailant was felled with a shot from one
> of the remaining dry pistols.  Now the chest rests
> between the two groups on a river island.  The local
> constabulary has arrived but will not intervene until
> someone shows they have control of the situation.
> The chest of imports from the east being delivered,
> the local lord has granted your group a small plot of
> land to use for your operations.  However, much to
> your chagrin, your rivals have somehow finagled an
> area adjacent to yours.  In the midst of building a
> structure to operate out of, your supply wagon has
> been ambushed.  The animals panicked and your supplies
> scattered around the roadside.  Now your group must
> rush out to retrieve as many of the supplies as you
> can before your rivals steal them all.
> Some supplies salvaged and hasty fortifications
> erected, both sides have decided the line must be
> drawn here.  Now that you have a defensive position
> established it is time to wipe your rivals out of this
> area and establish dominance.
> Well hopefully this whetted a few appetites.  If that
> didn't, did I mention that its free?  Drop me a line
> if you are interested, and I will let everyone know if
> I get enough response to have it.
> In Service,
> Darien Wylde
> of the House Wylde
> Rapier Marshal
> Shire of the Shadowlands
> Kingdom of Ansteorra
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