[Ansteorra-rapier] Fwd: War Practise in February

HE Armand De Lacy baron at bordermarch.org
Wed Dec 8 10:20:15 PST 2004

HE Armand De Lacy <baron at bordermarch.org> wrote:Within the month of February, the baronies of Ravensfort and Bordermarch will host a GulfWar style melees. This is going to be held at Borderkeep. 
The rapier scenario's will be a reflection of GulfWar in March. We will start off with some 
warm-up fights... these will be 2 on 2. After that, we move to open field battle. This will not have archery, nor will it be resurrection. We then will move to the 'timed resurrection' for control of the flags. After a 2-3 minute warning, we will hold the battle... all warriors within a radius around the flags, will fight for control without resurrection.
We will have some unit vs unit fights as well. All of these will be 3-5 person units.
All those interested will then lay siege to the castle or defend her, your choice. Archery for this will be appreciated, rather needed.
As of now, I have 3 marshals for the day. 
hope to see many of you attend....
 Coastal rapier commander

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