[Ansteorra-rapier] Re: Ansteorra-rapier Digest, Vol 12, Issue 4

avery@whitescarf.sca.org avery at whitescarf.sca.org
Tue Jun 8 14:16:31 PDT 2004

> At 02:28 PM 6/8/04 -0500, you wrote:
>>>> Bring 'em all on!!! I plan on doing either 3 out of 5 total (all
>>>> styles/weapon combo's, etc.), or 2/3 in no more than 3 different
>>>> style/weapon combos.  Keep in mind that I plan to be fighting in
>>>> all four tournaments on Friday.  So this really will be a Gauntlet
>>>> for me.
>>>> I also will be furnishing cold water, ice cold wet washcloths, and
>>>> fruit for everyone who fights me (oranges most likely, though my
>>>> dear Brother will get pickles).
>>>> Simone, whoever you want to do your proxy is okay with me.  And I
>>>> plan on asking the boy some pretty pointed questions when he comes
>>>> back from band camp.....
>>>> Corvin
>>How about a broken Don sitting on the sidelines shooting you randomly
>> with a crossbow during your fights?  Is that acceptable?  ;)
>>Avery the Gimp (being helpful)
> Don't be a sissy, Avery. You're a Don; you ought to be able to fight
> while sitting in a chair.
> 	-Tivar Moondragon
> 	(also being helpful <G>)

Ahh, but I am a also an apprentice.  Have to push stock out the door, too,
ya know.  Iolo needs to sell more bows.  ;)

Avery, the salesman gimp

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