[Ansteorra-rapier] seeking Don Ansgar

j_smallw@titan.sfasu.edu j_smallw at titan.sfasu.edu
Mon May 24 16:34:59 PDT 2004

Quoting Cynthia Whitford <jaysmom at swbell.net>:

> Don Ansgar please contact me off-list.  The email address I have for you
> (the one listed in the BlackStar) keeps bouncing.
> thanks,
> Simone
I'm here.  Thanks for pointing out that the email address for me as KRM is an 
old one.  The one listed for me as Emergency Kingdom Treasurer will get 
through, but for future reference the following email addresses will get to 
me :

bsmall at cox-internet.com
bsmall at elliottelectric.com
j_smallw at sfasu.edu
sfabris2002 at yahoo.com
sfabris40 at hotmail.com

Now that that's out of the way...<G>

What's up?  How can I be of service?


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