[Ansteorra-rapier] Fw: [NR] Sad News from Namron

Chiara chiara at io.com
Wed Sep 8 10:45:22 PDT 2004


Kingdom WebMinister, Ansteorra
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Maleah" <baroness_maleah at cox.net>
To: "Namron" <namron at ansteorra.org>; <Wiesenfeuer at yahoogroups.com>;
"Northern" <northern at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 12:26 PM
Subject: [NR] Sad News from Namron

: For those of you who know Stephen Hawkins, his lady wife Ann, known in the
: Society as Adriana Margherita di Betto passed away earlier this week. He
: currently in route home from Iraq. As more information becomes avialable
: I'll post it here. Please pass this on to all those who knew them in their
: time here. She was one of  Namron's Rapier Consorts and will be missed by
: all here. Namron lost a shining jewel.
: Maleah
: Baroness
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