[Ansteorra-rapier] ISO KRM

Mahee mahee_of_acre at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 11 12:40:58 PST 2005

I am mahee of acre, the guy who use to live in Loch Soilleir. I am the deputy rapier coordinator for the society 40th year celebrations this coming May in Antir. I have created a list where I am asking for two people from each kingdom, the KRM and a person of his/her choice to help workout schedules/rules/senerios/meetings/and just stuff. I believe that my previous requests to Master Ansgar von Aachen ended up being snagged by a spam filter...so I am coming back to this list instead of the Kingdom list.
  I look forward to seeing people in this neck of the woods come May.
  your servant,
  HL mahee of acre
  cadet to Don Wolfgang Von Bremen, Baron of Glymm Mere

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