[Ansteorra-rapier] Cut&Thrust class at Guardian of the Guardian

DonPieter at aol.com DonPieter at aol.com
Wed Apr 4 21:08:48 PDT 2007

In a message dated 4/4/2007 10:15:58 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
kevwilson at swbell.net writes:

any 35"-45" Darkwood, Del Tin, or Angus Trim rapier, bated  rapier, 
sidesword, or backsword will work, though one around  35"-37" 
would be most recommended. 
There will also be a handout for students to use for  individual and group 
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at  
kevwilson at swbell.net 
Yours in service, 
Ld. Corvin di Fenarro 
Cadet to Master/Don Aeron  Harper

What about the Alchem Rapier blade (the ones that look like the safeflex  
daggers all grown up)? That is one that I use for C&T that last I checked  were 

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